May 4, 2010


When you are small you may feel scared who on earth will look after you when your mum and dad die, who will sew your clothes or feed you....When you are seven or eight years old you're too busy with life at school to worry about that.

When you're approaching puberty you can feel changes taking place in regard to your body, but you don't dare to tell anyone, until one day they are too obvious to ignore and steps have to be taken to accommodate these changes. (More dramatic, physically, for a girl than a boy I think). You have emotions you don't recognize and for which you can't find any reason...

Once in Highschool study and social life seem to occupy one's mind until suddenly it seems all over. You now have the choice to go to Uni, defer, not go to Uni but start looking for a job, enrol for adult education or find work so you can pay for the first big trip overseas on your own....

For some, life becomes filled with desires, anguish and experiences to find the right person who one wishes to form a relationship with. Others, simultaneously or sometimes instead of a relationship, work on a career path. Whichever way, sooner or later most girls will feel an urge to have a child. This urge is either acted upon or put off. It seems that life cannot be fully lived until this urge is fulfilled. This is the moment of being thrown into that deep end with a splash, for no matter how much you read and learn about babyhood and parenting beforehand, it is still a mystery and a surprise when it happens!

I am glad that in our day and age there is no longer a stigma attached to young women having babies without being married, because, as I see it, every baby is a gift and if we receive new life in that spirit, the world will be a better place for it.


Rosalie Langley said...

I agree with the above Frouke.
I particularly enjoyed reading "Thoughts of Today" as i can really relate to this.
People need to "think" and sometimes "act" outside of the box of norms that society sets up for us from the moment we are born, we are told of these "norms".
When we look at the feeling of "happiness" i actually relate it to - buying a new car, having a party or going for a holiday.
But true "contentment" is about the feeling you have within your heart and soul.
This is not taught to you by teachers but through your own journey through life.
The people we meet, the places we go and the "good" and "bad" things that happen to us and the "happy" and "sad" things too all make us who we are today and every day in some small way, who we are changes, as a result of this.
Thankyou for giving us "food for thought".

Froukje said...

Thanks Rosalie.
The reason I felt attracted to Montessori education was precisely because Montessori DID address the importance of the teacher in the environment of a child. Since one doesn't know what any child will absorb from you it is imperative that we become aware of everything we do and say. And one can only do so by becoming conscious, by practising to make thoughts,words and action as one. So it no longer is only about educating the child, but very much about 'bettering' oneself....

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