April 29, 2010


There isn't any. Anybody can become a parent any time anywhere and, depending on the culture, at an age when the mother-to-be can still be a child herself.....it's a bit scary....

Becoming a parent is a case of being 'thrown in at the deep end' and either sink or swim. Most of us feel as if we're treading water frantically for the first few weeks after the birth of our first child until, at some stage, we realize that we haven't drowned yet and have actually begun to swim!
It's quite overwhelming to be in charge of a small, helpless and immature being twenty four hours a day.
However, seen from a baby's point of view we only need one person, one human to welcome us, hold us, feed us, show us around in this world of tastes, smells, textures, sounds and colours....Further down the track,  all it takes is one person, it doesn't have to be the same one, to inspire us how to be the best we can be,  how to help each other and contribute to the common good.  [Recommended viewing: http://www.ted.com/].

Seen from the adult's point of view every new born provides us with the opportunity to make a new start, to transcend our 'animal' nature and develop our 'divine' nature, to become creators ourselves in the course of that process of parenting.
On becoming a parent we start with simply nurturing and caring for a baby. By means of these very practical physical activities we get to know and come to love the baby, The Other, and  we get to know ourselves, because our personal journey in finding meaning in life never finishes.
Love is not a prerequisite, it's more often than not, a result of understanding each other and the feeling of connection this brings. In addition, the actions of looking after one's baby often result in an increase in confidence and belief in one's own abilities.
Since each child and parent form a unique combination, the lessons provided in this very personal and individually tailored development course are many and varied and at times challenging; that is when the creative process of parenting becomes really exciting....

April 19, 2010


Hello, my name is Froukje.
The name of this blog is a contraction of 'Froukje" and 'Montessori'; I used to run a Montessori playgroup and preschool.....One little child who could remember my name and the last two syllables of 'Montessori' came up with name 'Froukesori'.
Friends and family have jokingly called the place 'FROUKESORI' ever since!

View my full profile if you wish to know some of my likes and dislikes.

So, here is my motivation for writing a blog:
Nobody blinks an eye when a three year study commitment is required for a course, any course. We understand that, in order to play the piano, we need to learn, over a period of at least three years, how to read music and play tunes a listener can at least sit through.
In regard to raising children, it is generally understood that there's nothing better for a child than having a 'good start'. Ideas are varied and many about how this should be done, but it always involves parenting yet, no 'training' is required.

When it comes to parenting, it is assumed that we (particularly mothers!) know, instinctively, what to do. New mums are shown in hospital how to bath the baby, change a nappy, how hold the baby when breast feeding and they're send on their way. They go home and...often feel at a loss...Why is that?
I'm putting it a bit simplistically, but who hasn't thought or said afterwards:
"I wish someone had told me about this..." which brings me to the purpose of this blog:

I like to share with other parents, for what it's worth, my experience and what Ive learned over the years. There is indeed such a thing as 'parental instinct', but it doesn't always seem to work on a day to day basis, it may even feel as if that instinct has dried up or whether it was ever there!
For instance, when your child has becomes mobile, followed by the stage of becoming verbal, you may begin to wonder why "today has been such a non-day".....you have been busy doing 'nothing' (we never count washing dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning, feeding your child, changing nappies etc.as 'something'), a feeling of exhaustion has set in, yet you 'got nothing done'!

That is when it's time to sit down, have a cup of tea and do a bit of pondering....or, read my blog and ponder along with me!